Prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons under Islamic Law: filling the gap of International Humanitarian Law?

Sep 2023

by Kheda Djanaralieva

For the numerous States that have not ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, international humanitarian law fails to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons. Given the role played by some Muslim States in the...

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Child Soldier to Warlord Overnight: Sentencing Ongwen in the International Criminal Court

Apr 2023

by Rebecca Lloyd

In December 2022, the International Criminal Court (ICC) delivered its appeal decision in the case of Dominic Ongwen, a child soldier-turned-commander in the Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda who had been convicted and sentenced of numerous...

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Protecting the child who bears arms: How the status of Zones of Peace for Children under Philippine Act No. 11188 distorts International Humanitarian Law

Jun 2023

By Lance Ryan J. Villarosa

Super soldiers—or the concept that there exists a specific class of soldiers possessing strengths and competence rivaling that of fiction, used to belong solely in the realm of comic books. However, with the enactment...

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Ethical Paradigm of Buddhism: A Buttress for Compliance with International Humanitarian Law

Jun 2023

By Pimchanok Palasmith

The core Buddhist morality revolves around the instruction “[t]o avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind” (Dhammapada 183). For achieving these aims, Buddhist lay followers were encouraged to uphold precepts and practice meditation....

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Environmental destruction during armed conflict, anthropocentrism-ecocentrism divide and defining ecocide

Oct 2023

by Ramindu Perera

The anti-ecocide movement emerged as an initiative to use international criminal law to prohibit large scale destruction of the natural environment. The legal definition of ecocide published by the Independent Expert Panel appointed by Stop Ecocide Foundation...

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